Graph Database Smart Contract Integration

Take your efficiency to the next level by integrating a graph database into your smart contracts.  BSECAlink is your link between enterprise-grade graph database Neo4J and your next project..

Graph Database Smart Contract Integration

Neo4J is a graph database that possesses a multitude of advantages over traditional relationship-type databases.  Information is stored as relationships between entities in which the data is represented using edges and nodes, instead of rows and columns from tables.  This graph structure permits greater data complexity, offers simpler relationship-based querying, and enables the data model to be continually modified without incurring the costs of costly schema changes.

BSECAlink provides a pathway for Neo4J integration into your smart contract.  Our graph database smart contract integration service enables your business to detect fraud, create a 360-degree customer view, set up interactive visualizations of your mapped network, find bottlenecks, evaluate latency, and manage dependency.