On-Chain Transaction Privacy

Conceal Smart contract transactions so that sensitive and proprietary information  remains private. Our services ensure that the data can only be interpreted by the intended parties 

On-Chain Transaction Privacy

Though blockchains enable secure and reliable transactions, privacy is non-existent for on-chain transactions especially when it comes to DeFi smart contracts.  BSECAlink integrates with Chainlink Mixicles to ensure data inputs remain private while keeping contract logic and outputs secluded to only those that need to know.  Mixicles work to separate the on-chain data inputs from the payment outputs and this works by utilizing an oracle as a link between the two data sets and a transaction mixer.  An integer is posted from the Chainlink oracles that represents a meaning to the contract participants instead of processing the raw data input on-chain. 


With that integer, the mixer can deliver a payout to a concealed party and at the same time, an on-chain audit report can still be produced.  This is especially important for enterprise use cases where regulations require the concealment of internal trading positions and strategies.  Our on-chain transaction privacy service ensures multiple layers of security such as concealing the used data source, contract terms, the true fund value in the contract, and the recipient of payments as it relates to the input.