Smart Contract Automation & Audit Results

Streamline user experience and decrease developer downtime by automating your smart contracts with BSECAlink.  Increase security and peace of mind through our on-chain audit results.

Smart Contract Automation & Audit Results

BSECAlink is our node validator powered by Chainlink and our smart contract automation service enables developers to increase uptime guarantees of their dApps, simplify and streamline the user experience, and create truly scalable hybrid smart contracts that are completely automated end-to-end.  When utilizing our Node as a Service (NaaS), rest assured that your off-chain data is accurate, reliable, and current.  We understand how important it is for your project to run smoothly at all times and that the time spent manually executing on-chain transactions means less development time, which can ultimately affect your bottom line.  To ensure hassle-free smart contract automation we have integrated BSECAlink with Chainlink Keepers to check conditions and execute transactions on your behalf the instant the predefined conditions are met. 

To ensure the proper functionality of your smart contract applications, verifying them with security audits is not only desired, but it is a must – especially before sending any funds to it.  BSECAlink works with our network of integrated Chainlink oracles to allow users to retrieve audit results directly on-chain.  Our service enables you to bring your security data on-chain regarding bug bounties, penetration tests, and smart contract audits.  The data can then be used by your smart contracts to shield interactions with smart contracts that are unsafe or unaudited.